Visiting Address:
Image Sciences Institute
University Medical Center Utrecht
Heidelberglaan 100
location AZU – room Q.02.4.46
3584 CX Utrecht
The Netherlands
Tel: +31 88 75 57772
Image Sciences Institute
University Medical Center Utrecht
Heidelberglaan 100
location AZU – room Q.02.4.46
3584 CX Utrecht
The Netherlands
Tel: +31 88 75 57772
Postal Address:
Image Sciences Institute
University Medical Center Utrecht
P.O. Box 85500
3508 GA Utrecht
The Netherlands
Image Sciences Institute
University Medical Center Utrecht
P.O. Box 85500
3508 GA Utrecht
The Netherlands
How to reach the ISI secretarial office
Most people from the Image Sciences Institute are housed in the Academic Hospital Utrecht (AZU) building of the University Medical Center Utrecht.
- Take the main entrance of the UMC (plan route).
- Walk straight ahead following route Q, past the waiting area and shops.
- Keep following route Q and enter the Q-building through the blue doors.
- Walk straight ahead, past the first elevators. After about 100 meters take the second elevator block on your left-hand side to floor 2 (note: this is not floor S, which is located between floors 1 and 2).
- Turn left, the secretarial office is the second room on your right (Q.02.4.45, tel. 57772).