Fenghua Guo

Fenghua Guo received her BSc (2011) and MSc (2013) in Biomedical Engineering at Northeastern University, China. In her master project, she focused on image processing in MRI to aid diagnosis of brain diseases. She visited the radiology department of Xuanwu Hospital, Beijing in 2012, where she worked on a project about early detection of Alzheimer's disease using segmentation and volume estimation of the olfactory bulb. In 2014, she started as a PhD candidate at the PROVIDI Lab under the supervision of Dr. Alexander Leemans. In her research, she will focus on processing and analysis of diffusion MRI data.

Image Sciences Institute
University Medical Center Utrecht
Heidelberglaan 100
3584 CX Utrecht
The Netherlands
email: f.guo@umcutrecht.nl
office: E.02.555
phone: +31 88 75 56695
secretary: +31 88 75 57772
