
Corrigendum to “Effects of hunger state on the brain responses to food cues across the life span” [NeuroImage 171 (2018) 246-255](S1053811918300144)(10.1016/j.neuroimage.2018.01.012)

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NeuroImage 233


The authors regret that errors were made with regard to the reporting of several methodological details in the Materials and methods section. The authors would like to apologise for any inconvenience caused by this. Corrections are described below. Materials and methods: Experimental design – Food image viewing fMRI task: The text and Fig. 2 erroneously mention a randomized inter-block interval duration between 8 and 16 s. The actual interval ranged between 3.5 and 4 s as inferred from the logfiles. In the reported analyses the correct timings were used, based on the logfiles of each scan. Thus, the reported results are unaffected. Corrected text and Fig. 2: Experimental design – Image acquisition The TR of the EPI scan sequence was 1400 ms, not 1600 ms. The flip angle was 70° not 72.5°. The correct TR of 1400 ms was used in the viewing task analyses. Corrected text: Functional images were obtained with an 8-channel SENSE head-coil using a 2-D echo planar imaging (EPI) sequence with the following parameters: voxel size 4 mm isotropic; repetition time (TR) = 1400 ms; echo time (TE) = 23 ms; flip angle = 70°; 30 axial slices; SENSE-factor R = 2.4 (anterior-posterior).